6 Dog Nausea Symptoms and Common Characteristics

Dogs truly are man’s best friend. They are our loyal companions who bring immense joy and laughter. From the time they wake us up in the early morning till they fall into a deep slumber at night, they never stop showing us all the affection they can muster. And, of course, we love them tremendously in return.

Because of this tight and unbreakable bond that we share with them, it’s no wonder we feel incredibly sad and helpless when we see our little furry friends in distress. Dog nausea is a common and distressing condition among the various health issues that can affect our pets.

If you notice your dog showing any of the signs listed below, then chances are that they are suffering from nausea. By understanding the symptoms, potential causes, and effective remedies for dog nausea, we can provide the necessary care and seek timely veterinary assistance. Read on to gain this crucial and helpful understanding of dog nausea symptoms.

But before we dive into that, let’s take a moment to discuss what exactly nausea is. Nausea is a sensation of discomfort and unease in the stomach, often accompanied by an urge to vomit. Like humans, dogs can experience this unsettling feeling due to various factors ranging from mild to severe.

Symptom #1: Drooling

A very common sign that your dog is nauseous is if you notice any excessive drooling. When dogs experience stomach discomfort or nausea, it can increase saliva production. This excess drooling is a natural response to the unpleasant sensation in their stomach. This can be seen clearly, as your dog’s mouth will probably have saliva dripping.

Excessive drooling and other signs of nausea can indicate that your dog is unwell and may require attention and care. If you observe persistent and abnormal drooling in your dog, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian to identify the underlying cause and provide appropriate treatment.

Symptom #2: Loss of appetite

Another noticeable symptom of dog nausea is a loss of appetite. When dogs feel nauseous or upset, they may exhibit a reduced or complete loss of interest in food. This lack of appetite can be concerning and seemingly unusual for pet owners, especially if their dog typically has a healthy appetite.

This occurs due to their discomfort and nausea, which suppresses their diet. They may turn away from their regular meals, show disinterest in treats, or even refuse food altogether. You may try to help them overcome this by pacing out their meals differently, providing them with smaller and more frequent portions throughout the day instead of larger meals at less frequent times.

While a short-term loss of appetite is normal, action should be taken if it persists. If you notice this happening for a while, consult animal urgent care immediately and get your dog’s help.

Symptom #3: Excessive licking and swallowing

Excessive licking and swallowing are common behaviours exhibited by dogs experiencing nausea. When dogs feel nauseous, they may instinctively lick their lips more frequently and swallow excessively. These actions serve as self-soothing mechanisms as they try to alleviate the discomfort in their stomach.

This is a clear sign of nausea if you notice your dog doing these actions without food or water. Once again, if their excessive licking and swallowing habits persist longer than they should, take them to the veterinarian and get them back to normal!

Symptom #4: Diarrhea

Diarrhea can be a consequential symptom of nausea in dogs. When dogs experience nausea and digestive upset, it can lead to changes in bowel movements, resulting in diarrhea. Their digestive system gets disrupted, causing intestinal contractions and leading to bowel movement changes.

Monitor their food, and give them easier things on their stomach. Ensure that they drink plenty of water and chew their food properly. As mentioned with the other symptoms, if diarrhea continues for longer than what seems normal, seek professional help!

Symptom #5: Eating grass

This one may sound peculiar, but it is another sure sign of nausea in your dog. When dogs feel ill, they may feel an inclination to munch on grass. Some speculate that the reason behind this is that eating grass induces vomiting. The coarse texture of grass blades can irritate the stomach lining, potentially triggering the body’s reflex to expel any ingested toxins or irritants. This is a dog’s intentional effort to seek some relief from their discomfort.

Symptom #6: Retching

Lastly, if you find your dog retching, this may be another sign of their nausea. It refers to the repetitive, involuntary movement of the abdominal muscles as if attempting to vomit. Despite their efforts, however, none or maybe a small amount of fluid may be expelled, as it does not necessarily result in vomiting.

Run for a visit to the vet if your dog keeps performing this retching action, and let them take over the healing process!